With the UNKL release just days away, we figured nows the time to familiarize those of you that have no clue as to who these guys are.
Straight from their own mouths and site......
How about a little UNKL history 101...
Derek Welch and Jason Bacon started UNKL back in 2004 in Portland, Oregon as a way to focus their creative energy on non-client based projects. We had created so many characters and stories over the years, we figured why not make something out of it. So we did. Our first character, HazMaPo launched January of 2005. That first offering of 1,800 figures sold in about a month, so we decided to keep doing it. September of 2007 will bring the first UNKL character to television. TinPo will support CBS Saturday morning cartoons with 30 second animated shorts. That brings us where we are now. Making characters we love and getting them out to people who also love them any way we can.
Thanks for the continued support. If you're ever in Portland, look us up.